1.   Consider changing lunch and after work habits so you will have less contact with the individual concerned.

2.   Producers must ask themselves about elasticity whenever they consider changing the prices of their goods.

3.   The government is considering changing the local voting system.

4.   He seriously considered changing careers.

5.   ANC officials started off the campaign season saying they wanted a two-thirds majority so they could consider changing some aspects of the constitution.

6.   A company typically considers changing a package if a brand is sliding or losing credibility or if it wants to signal a change in the product itself.

7.   After that, the FCC may consider changing the waiver policy by seeking additional comments or holding public hearings.

8.   After the game Irvin, said he is considering changing helmets.

9.   Afterward the FTC will consider changing the proposed standards.

10.   But she said she and her husband never seriously considered changing their travel plans.

v-ing changing >>共 113
keep 19.59%
consider 15.69%
begin 6.45%
start 5.72%
include 3.77%
need 3.53%
mean 3.28%
propose 2.55%
oppose 2.55%
try 2.43%
consider v-ing >>共 606
taking 2.89%
buying 2.47%
selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
changing 1.17%
每页显示:    共 128